10 March 2025

by | Mar 10, 2025 | Random Thoughts | 4 comments


Either a week or two weeks ago (I’m too lazy to search my email to find out), a reader contacted me and asked if I read any of Jerry Boyd’s stories. They said my writing reminded them of his.

The answer is… yes, of course! I love Jerry Boyd’s stories. I discovered Bob and Nikki somewhere within the first three titles of that series.

Unfortunately, Jerry Boyd died in his sleep in December of 2024.

It is a fact that none of us survive Life, and if there is something after, I hope he is well and happy if such is possible.

I told the reader in an email that I was going to mention Jerry Boyd in the next post I made on my website and in the next newsletter I sent out. I’m writing this post because I did not keep the first half of that promise, but I haven’t sent out a newsletter since then, so I’m good there still.  😉

If you’re reading this and you haven’t tried the Bob and Nikki series, I highly recommend it. I don’t know what his family’s financial situation is, but more book revenue is never a bad thing. You better buckle up, though; it’s a 52-book series.  😁

I’ve considered reaching out to his family and offering to wrap up both of his series, but I’m afraid that I couldn’t pull off his writing style well enough. For one thing, I use chapters. He didn’t.

When Mom died in 2022, I was reading a post-apocalyptic series that did a better job of reinforcing the dark place my mind wanted to go to, instead of helping me pull myself out. It didn’t take me long to figure out that I needed to be reading something light-hearted and funny, and the series that immediately came to mind was Bob and Nikki. I went all the way back to Bob’s Saucer Repair and started the series from scratch. By the time I started the fifth book or so, I was no longer at any risk of settling in that dark place.

If you’re interested in a fun, light-hearted, Sci-Fi series that doesn’t take itself too seriously… give Bob and Nikki a try. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Hope the days treat you and yours well. Stay safe out there.


  1. Mark

    Besides your books, I am also a fan of post-apocalyptic books and would be curious to know what you read of that genre. I also have the Bob and Nikki series on my kindle but every time I look at fifty plus books in that series suddenly something less daunting seems to jump out at me to read.

    • Rob

      Oh, Mark… you don’t know what you’re missing by not starting Bob and Nikki. If you like my Science Fiction, I’m pretty sure you’d love Bob and Nikki.

      In terms of post-apoc, I’ve read a few different things. Craig Martelle’s Terry Henry Walton Chronicles. Daniel Pierce’s Future Reborn. The Survivalist series by Arthur Bradley. Those are the ones that stand out in my mind at the moment. I’m afraid I have no idea what I was reading when Mom died.

      It’s always a challenge to find a story that will grab me and keep my interest.


      Hope the days treat you and yours well. Be safe out there.


  2. Mark

    I already have 2 of the 3 you mentioned. I’m always looking for new suggestions. You might try Tertiary Effects series by William Allen or Viral Misery by Thomas A. Watson. Both of those are stories that seemed actually plausible and possible to happen.

    • Rob

      Good to know… thanks!


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