10 November 2024

by | Nov 11, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Okay. Even though I’m technically starting this at 3:48am on November 11th, I titled it 10 November 2024 because I haven’t gone to bed yet. However, I’m starting to feel the pull of sleep, so I’ll probably wander off in the direction of bed as soon as I post this and send out a newsletter.

I’m really tempted to bury the lead, but I’m not feeling mischievous enough to do that, so here we go.

Colfyr is up for a December 3rd pre-order on select sites. It’s available on Knightsfall Press. It’s available in most localities on Amazon. It’s available on Google Play. It’s available in select localities on Apple Books, but it’s not showing up in the Books app yet. Not sure what’s going on with that, but I’m sure it’s just a time thing.

The link the button above sends you to is https://kfplink.com/Colfyr. It will take you to the book page on my publishing company’s site, where you can choose your preferred storefront from there.

As of this writing, the Barnes & Noble link won’t work, because B&N is still processing the upload. I couldn’t even get a link for Kobo, as their systems are still processing it. I will update the links on the book page over the coming days.


It is a pre-order for December 3rd.

Hrmmm… okay… what else do I want to discuss here?

I already have a story concept (and even a couple chapters!) for Shepherd Security Services #3. The title will be Lynxeen, but I want to get Cole & Srexx sorted before I delve too deeply into any other projects.

I didn’t realize the degree to which Cole & Srexx weighed on me, and the relief I felt when I decided it was time to re-visit it was palpable.

think I’ve taken down Fires and the Complete Series omnibus from everywhere, but I probably haven’t. Aw, shit… Draft2Digital. Ah, well… I still need to upload Colfyr there for storefronts like Everand (formerly Scribd), so I’ll double-check that while I’m there. I have a huge block of time tomorrow where I’ll be out and about, which will be perfect for tidying up the publishing process.

I really like my idea of dedicating a month to a specific series… or world. Right now, I’ve allocated one month to each of my shared worlds that I’m working up, but I’m not sure how feasible that is across the long-term.

If there any aspiring writers following my ramblings, I cannot recommend Dean Wesley Smith’s writing workshops highly enough. I went ahead and purchased the Lifetime Subscription to Workshops, and I’m working my way through his recommended curriculum that can be found here.

I will confess that I’ve not been the best at keeping up with my studies, but I’m making a conscious effort to be better going forward. There are so many things I want to improve, and my study habits and storycraft are both high on the list.

Improving one’s storycraft, though, is a journey. Not a destination. There will always be things we can learn or improve, and I’d imagine that’s the same for any creative endeavor. To paraphrase a certain song… there is more to learn than can ever be learned.

I am honestly not certain where to go from here. My mind kinda went blank… or maybe wandered off. Not sure. I think that’s a sign it’s time to close this out.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for sticking with me.

I hope the days treat you and yours well. Stay safe out there.


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