So, I’m not going to hit 10,000 words today.
I finished Chapter 21 of Colfyr, and I feel ‘done,’ at least in terms of writing.
I probably woudl’ve left it at that, but I remembered some emails I’d received lately regarding one, specific project. I’m not sure if I’ve addressed it here or not, and… frankly… I don’t care to go back and reach previous posts to find out. If I’ve already discussed the current status of the Primogenitor Saga and you’ve read that post, feel free to ignore the next section as it will be old news.
I’ve received a couple questions about if there will be another Primogenitor Saga story and, if so, when it will be out.
Tempus, Primogenitor #4, is one of my current projects. I have stated in the past that I wanted to publish it by the end of the year or (worst case) the first Tuesday in January. I was not expecting to need a new cover designer when I made those statements.
The individual who delivered the amazing artwork of the existing covers has chosen to ghost. I don’t know what’s going on in his life that led him to that, and quite frankly, it’s not my job to hound him to deliver work when he agrees to a deadline. I was supposed to have at least an eBook cover mock-up by the end of October, and folks… I’m pretty sure that ship has sailed.
So, I’ve approached the cover designer who delivered the wonderful covers for The Shepherd and Colfyr, and starting in January, they will be working on an entire series re-cover. Everything from Smilodon through Lone Wolf.
The lack of a cover obviously delays the publication of Tempus…
I will keep everyone up-to-date on the status of Tempus and the Primogenitor Saga as a whole, but we’re going to be waiting a little longer for it.
Incidentally, I’ll be hiring the same cover designer to re-cover the Sam Colton Mysteries, too, once she finishes with the Primogenitor Saga.
Right, then…
So, where do I stand on my writing?
I’ve already confessed that I’m not going to achieve my 10,000-word day, but I do feel I’ve made a rather respectable showing.
Before counting this post, I’m sitting at 6,824 words for the day, and if I’m going to feel ‘done,’ I’d say almost 7,000 words is a good point to have that feeling.
I’m also now sitting at 298,468 words for 2023. Unless something really goes off the rails, I should crack 300,000 words with tomorrow’s writing. I have to admit… that feels kinda awesome.
Alrighty. I’ll do the daily wrap-up for the challenge and call it a night. I kinda feel like either Starfield or Cyberpunk 2077 is calling my name.
Daily Word Count (with this post): 7,311
Sprint to the New Year with Kris Challenge Word Count: 18,334
The Great Dean Challenge 2023 Word Count: 263,255
Overall Word Count for 2023: 298,955