Well, folks… I am cautiously optimistic that I’m on a roll.
Even with a mini supply run and even without writing a couple hours between midnight and 4am, I still managed a 5,000-word day. The best part is that I don’t quite feel as mentally tired as I did yesterday, but I’m going to go to bed right after this and get as awesome a night’s sleep as possible.
If I can write from 5pm to 10:30pm and get 5,000-word days–consistently and reliably–I don’t need to live on a schedule so out of step with the rest of my region.
Let me tell you… it’s bleeding annoying to start my day and only have an hour or so to visit the bank if I need to. And my local post office is always closed before I wake up, when I’m on this schedule.
It would be really, really nice if I’ve found a writing schedule I can maintain across the long-term… without seeming to be a vampire. Goodness knows, I have enough to do that isn’t really suited to night operations.
The major–no, huge–project this will permit is cleaning out my grandparents’ house, prior to renovations or demo. I’m still going back and forth over the question: to demo and rebuild or not to demo and rebuild. If I just clean out the house and renovate it, it is usable sooner… which I kinda like the idea of. On the other hand, tearing down the house and building new would get me the floor plan that’s ideal for me.
As much as I love my grandparents’ house, it’s really too small for what I need. I’d like to have a guest room, an office, a file room (for Knightsfall Press), a library, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room. Right now, what I have is a three-bedroom house with a kitchen and living room.
Like I said, I love the house. I have so, so many memories there. Playing in the living room when I was a kid. Sitting on the coffee table and watching morning cartoons while I waited for the bus. Carrying groceries in for my grandparents. I simply cannot walk into a room without all kinds of memories rushing to the forefront of my mind.
But for now, I should probably wind this down and get to the data.
Daily Words: 5,206
Weekly Words: 15,869
Remaining Words to 25,000: 9,131