Well, this day didn’t go quite according to plan.
The original plan for the day involved driving to Clarksburg, but just as I was getting ready, the phone rung. Come to find out, the appointment in Clarksburg was cancelled. Which means that the whole reason I backed out of going to a conference in New Orleans was no longer valid. If they would’ve been nice enough to cancel that appointment this time last week, I still could’ve managed the trip.
Oh, well…
The temps hit 66º today, and since I didn’t have anywhere else to be, I decided to take my writing on the road. I haven’t sat in one of the shelters at Sutton Dam and written for a while, and since it was such a pleasant day, that was an excellent plan… or so I thought.
The combination of a light breeze and being so close to Elk River as it was leaving the Sutton Dam made the 66º-day feel more like 56º under the farthest shelter from the dam. They weren’t letting a huge amount of water through, but I’m sure it would’ve felt even colder if I’d chosen the closest shelter. I stayed long enough to eat the lunch I picked up and then went on my way.
I love the idea of writing in off-beat locations. That’s part of the allure of getting an RV and travelling the country… aside from simply seeing all the neat and interesting places. And I’m enough of a Curious George that almost everywhere that isn’t West Virginia is a neat and interesting place. Having lived in West Virginia my whole life, I feel very safe in saying I know the broad strokes of what it has to offer.
I’d already put slightly over a thousand words into Tempus before I got the bright idea to go write at Sutton Dam, and that’s really good. Because I couldn’t quite get back into the mood once I made it home.
Like I said, it’s been one of those days.
Here’s a Log screenshot of the past week or so… for those who care. 🙂