Given the previous two days, today has been something of a blessing. As you’ll see from the graphic below (if you squint your eyes well enough), you’ll see that I wrote most of my words today earlier in the morning.
That felt good… for a couple different reasons. First, when the words just flow, that’s always a good feeling. This morning, I just wrote and didn’t notice the passage of time. I wasn’t crafting the story. I was living it. And second, it was good to get back to writing after the hell day that was the 1st and the fallout of the 2nd.
Point #2 alone tells me this challenge is achieving the intent behind it. It wasn’t a question of whether I’d write.
Today was also a blessing, because the answer to a story problem I’ve been turning around in my head for a while finally popped loose. This is evidenced by the two writing sessions I put into The Fall of Skullkeep this evening. Skullkeep only lacks approximately 16 chapters and (again) approximately 50,000 words… not counting today’s writing. With my Drakmoor books, I always aim for around 105,000 words across 35 chapters.
And I think that’s as current an update on the challenge as I have at the moment. I’ll be back with more writing tomorrow.
Daily Word Count: 6,150
Weekly Word Count: 7,999
Remaining Words to 25,000: 17,001