4 January 2025

by | Jan 4, 2025 | Random Thoughts, Writing | 4 comments


Since I’m starting this with just nineteen minutes before midnight, this will probably end up being posted at 11:59:59, which is code for “I’m a wordy little cuss and wrote way too long and had to edit the post date and time afterwards.”

Right, then… moving on!

This is the first weekly update for 2025. My intent is to share my writing progress with anyone who cares to read these and do a better job than I have in the past of giving interested readers an idea as to what I will publish next.

As I believe I wrote in earlier posts, I am attempting to devote each month to a specific book, and unlike my original plan (back when I erroneously thought I could bring Cole & Srexx back from the dead), this month’s book is Tribunal, Sorcerous Pursuits #3.

I want to go ahead and be upfront with you. Sorcerous Pursuits will probably be trilogy… and only a trilogy. I wanted the series (at least the first three books) to set Hyperion up as a one-ton gorilla for cameos in other series of the Draco-Verse shared world, and I feel Tribunal will achieve that. Accordingly, I see no reason to extend the series beyond that.

There… reader expectations managed.

I have never made any secret of the fact that I have struggled to establish a consistent, daily writing habit for a handful of years now. Many writers achieve this, including my professional role models, so I see no reason that I can’t do the same.

thought my dissatisfaction with Cole & Srexx was subconsciously holding me back, which was why I decided I would bring the series back from the dead. All that achieved was zero new fiction words for all of November and December, 2024.

Hopefully, it goes without saying that such result was unacceptable.

So! I sat down and looked over my Writing Log for 2024 and 2023, and I decided that 3,500 words per day was a nice, comfortable pace. I have coasted along too much in my life, so I opted for a daily word count goal of 3,850 words.

And, folks… I am four for four!

I will confess I was struggling with Tribunal today, and to make achieving my word goal easier on myself, I hopped over to write on Lynxeen, the next story in Shepherd Security Services. I’ve been thinking about how I want that story to unfold, so it was fairly easily to round out my writing day by finishing Chapter 2.

I will spend some time between now and tomorrow’s writing thinking about how I’m going to arrive at where I want Tribunal to go, so that I’m refreshed and ready to put all of tomorrow’s writing towards it.

As long as we’ve brought up Shepherd Security Services, let’s talk about February, March, April, and possibly May.

My original plan for 2025 was to alternate months between Fantasy and Science Fiction. However, that presupposed that bringing Cole & Srexx back from the dead would actually succeed. As it did not, I find myself needing a new flagship Sci-Fi series for my promotional efforts.

And damned if I don’t have a new Sci-Fi series at hand!

So, for at least February through April, I will aim to write one Shepherd Security Services novel each month. I might extend that to May for reasons that would spoil future stories, but the reasons are admittedly almost laughable, very minor, and 115% personal.

This four-day streak I have going on feels really good, and I’m going to do everything in my power to maintain it. By the end of tomorrow (assuming I keep the streak alive), I will have over ten percent of my monthly estimated words for January.

I hope the new year is treating you and yours as well as possible. I offer you my best wishes.

Stay safe out there.


  1. tannim

    well thanks for the update rob, now I am not a writer like you but when I find I am stuck on something is to take a break from it and come back sometimes that break works great and you find the one thing to get everything going.

    example cole and srexx, instead of trying to rework it sit back and write on separate side of what you wanted it to end like once you have all that information down then look and what you have and see if you can fit every thing together. Just an idea is all.and lastly when will the audio version of book 2 for sss come out and love the book BTW great work and keep up the hard work

    • Rob

      Hi, Tannim,

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. And absolutely thanks for your thoughts. I wish the issue with Cole & Srexx was something so simple as just being stuck. I’ve been stuck before on stories, and time seems to be the great equalizer there, as I’ll often realize I know how to “unstick” myself if I write on other stories or work on a hobby. Heck… I’ve realized how to “unstick” myself on stories while I was driving to the post office.

      But, no… sadly, the issue with Cole & Srexx is much more deep and pervasive. I get physically nauseous when I seriously consider writing in that series again. I thought enough time had passed that I would be beyond that reaction, but I was wrong.

      In regards to the audio version of Colfyr, I sent an email to my narrator-of-choice about her availability for it. I’ll update everyone once I have that information.

      Thanks again. Stay safe out there.


  2. Michael

    So I have a question in regards to The Primogenitor Saga. I see that you did 3 books but at the end of the third book you left it at pretty much a cliffhanger. We are on the cusp of war between humans & shifters and the fae folk and are left with Wyatt being a baby over having to take over North America. We also have him basically looking at converting regular humans into primogenitor shifters so they can fight the fae. Also, his great-great-great-great-etc – grandfather went off to do god knows what.

    So my question is when are you going to continue the series and end it off? It just feels weird with it ending like that with no clear ending and at least on Audio Book Guild there are no additional books from any of your other series.

    • Rob

      Hi, Michael,

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I published Primogenitor #4, Tempus, on August 6th of 2024. From what I understand, the audio version is still in production, but you can find links to the ebook on the book’s page at Knightsfall Press.

      I have written in multiple posts, here on my site, that I was considering a ‘one book per year’ schedule for the Primogenitor Saga. I have decided since then that it will be a six-book series, and I’m considering writing those final two this year. But don’t quote me on that.

      In regards to the Audiobook Guild, I offered to let them sell the rest of my audio catalog–not as an audio rights licensor but as a storefront, just like Audible or wherever–and they declined to respond to me.

      If you’d like to try my other series in audio format, they are all available from Knightsfall Press and other select storefronts.

      Thanks again for commenting. Stay safe out there.



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