4 May 2024

by | May 4, 2024 | Random Thoughts, Writing | 2 comments


So, it’s been a little while since I wrote one of these.

I am–at the moment–1,984 words into my writing day. I don’t know if I’ll end up writing more, or if that will be my word count for the day.


Those words all went toward completing Tempus. I’m looking forward to being finished with this one, and if I keep this up for the weekend, I do believe I’ll be ready for my read-through (what I used to call my first Rubber Ducky pass) by Monday.

At that point, I get to devote my full attention to Colfyr. I wrote 1,291 words on it a couple days ago, and I’m so proud of those words. It’s the opening scene of a chapter, and that scene sets up the ending of Book 3 and a major part of Book 4. I’d like to go episodic with the series once I get the world to where I want it, and I think that will take me about five books to do.

In other news…

My experiment with being less data-oriented toward my writing is… well… an utter failure. It didn’t help me be more motivated to write, and honestly, when someone asked me how many words I’d written this year, I didn’t have any idea. And I didn’t like that. Not at all.

So, back to the venerable Writing Log!

I realize this is scintillating news and information for you, and I partially apologize for that. Fortunately, I have a life where not a lot of excitement happens. That… and I’m currently trying to fix my sleep schedule again. It was Sunday (I think) when I simply didn’t get sleepy until the daylight hours. I truly hate it when this happens, and maybe one day, I’ll work out a daily routine that minimizes it… if not outright eliminates it. I’d like to have a few years of a stable schedule, anyway… but that may be a pipe dream.

Alrighty, folks. I’ve rambled on for long enough.

I hope the days treat you and yours well.

Stay safe out there.


  1. Lee

    I was wondering what the status was for the Primogenitor Saga series? The third book wasn’t a conclusion. Consular Times even seems to setup several more books with all the loose threads that were left dangling.

    • Rob

      Hi, Lee,

      I am within about a day… maybe a day and a half… of solid writing from completing Tempus, which will be Primogenitor #4. I’ve had some change-ups with my go-to editor/reader, and she will not be able to start it until early June.

      Which means late June or early July for the ebook and print. The audio version is up in the air, as I licensed the audio rights to Audibook Guild, and I have no idea what their production timeline looks like at the moment.



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