This may be one of my less coherent posts. I’ve been awake since around noon yesterday (February 5th).
The reason I am still awake is that we’ve had a lovely storm blow through. It started raining around 9pm-ish last night and rained fairly constantly up until around 4am-ish. From the onset of the rain, my weather station tells me that we’ve have “enjoyed” approximately 2.09″ of rain (0.8″ yesterday and 1.29″ since midnight) as of this writing.
The creek is running mostly full, with only about 12 inches or so before it’s bank-full.
At one point, the lightning detection of my weather station had logged over 190 instances of lightning within a three-hour period.
Based on the weather radar, I think we’re through the worst of it.
It’s looking like we’ll have one more high-intensity spurt of rain here in a couple hours, plus or minus, and that will be it for this storm.
At the end of my little one-lane road, where it meets the two-lane, there is a creek of moderate size that eventually empties into the Little Kanawha river. That’s pronounced Ca-naw-a, not cana-wha, by the way. This is important because the storm that blew through is heading generally east, which is toward the headwaters of that creek that the two-lane generally follows.
Why do I bring that up?
Well, since the storm is moving in the opposite direction of how everything drains around here, that creek is probably going to have a lot more water entering it than just my little stream… which admittedly isn’t so little right now.
I was going to go out for some salt as we are forecasted to be on the fringe of an ice storm this weekend, but I think I’m going to give it a few hours to drain before I venture out. I do not enjoy being flooded out. I’ve waded water to get home once in the last five years, and I’d rather not do it again anytime soon.
So… why did I decide to write this up? Honestly, I’m not sure. I mainly felt like it was something worth sharing. If you disagree, you are welcome to your opinion.
I would’ve grabbed some pictures, when I went outside for a stroll to have a look-see at the situation, but I don’t have the equipment to take really good night photos. I’m thinking mainly of proper lighting.
Oh, wow… the lightning detector on my weather station has been reporting detections the past minute or so. The estimated distance is decreasing and is currently down to 10 – 12 miles. I bet that’s coming from the last gasp of a heavy storm that’s headed this way.
I don’t really mind these storms, but it would very helpful if they’d blow through during daylight. It would make it easier to see how high the water’s getting, if nothing else.
I think I’ll grab a screenshot of my weather station’s dashboard.

Heh… well, this is a little embarrassing.
I had to switch over to my Mac because I’ve never needed to figure out how to do a screen-cap on my Linux box. 🤷♂️
Not really sure I’ll ever put forth the effort to track that down, either. The only reason I have a desktop at this point is for gaming, and I don’t stream my games on Twitch or YouTube or anything like that.
Alrighty. I feel like I’ve rambled on long enough.
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for sticking with me.
I hope the days treat you and yours well. Stay safe out there.