7 August 2024

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Random Thoughts, Writing | 4 comments


It has been an interesting 48-ish hours. I published Tempus yesterday. It’s my 16th novel and 21st title overall.

I made a post on my author Facebook page (which I won’t link here, because if you’re reading this, I’d prefer you keep coming here for updates), and a follower commented in fairly short order that the cover image said “The Primogenitor Saga: Book VI.”


I never even looked at the cover in any great detail, beyond seeing it and liking it, so I never noticed that the number was… a tad off.

My cover designer is awesome, though, and had updated files for me last night. I was sufficiently sleepy that I left it until this morning, and I just finished updating the cover everywhere.

I would post the two versions side-by-side so you can compare them, but I unthinkingly deleted the old versions from my computer in the process of downloading the new versions.

But here’s the final one…

I really like the runic background my cover designer did… and that’s not just because I suggested it. 😁

The forced change to the new cover designer has been an upgrade, and I wish I had known about this artist years ago. As I have told her several times, I love blaming her in public for her excellent work. Suzie O’Connell at Sunset Rose Books does phenomenal work.

Oh… and you can find links to Tempus here.

In other news…

I am not yet back to the writing semi-trend I accomplished and loved in July. I’m still fighting to get my sleep schedule back where I want it after COVID “helpfully” screwed that pooch so bad the poor pup thinks it’s a cat. It’s the unfortunate case that I don’t feel quite right when my sleep is all out of whack, which makes writing–or really any form of creative endeavor–rather challenging.


Denver Devastation calls to me. I was having a lot of fun telling that story, so I maybe might try writing later today, just to see if it flows again for me. I may try a different project, too, as I’ve noticed that writing other stories can help get me over the hump and into that flow state I like so much.

But before I start writing, food is calling a little louder than the story.

I hope the days treat you and yours well.

Stay safe out there.


  1. Mark Robeson

    Saw all the new covers and they look great! I bought my copy of Tempus but the previous three books all still have the old covers in my kindle. If I look at the series on Amazon it shows I purchased them all and displays the new covers, but my kindle shows old covers except Tempus. Any way to fix that other than re-purchasing the books again? I even permanently deleted Smilodon and bought it again at the $0.00 price but it shows up on my Kindle with the old cover.


    • Rob

      Hi, Mark,

      If you go to Amazon and click “Content Library” under the “Account & Lists” menu and then click “Books,” you can search by title and each of the Primogenitor novels (except Tempus) should have the text, “Update Available.” Click that, and it should send the new version to your Kindle and (hopefully) update the covers.

      Let me know if this works, please!


  2. Mark

    Thanks for the response, I tried that right off but no joy. Also as I said I totally deleted Smilodon from my account and re-purchased it again and it still showed up with the old cover but displaying the new cover on Amazon Kindle page.
    I wonder if the Kindle even if you remove the title, if the kindle keeps some artwork or minor files archived or such. The way when you delete an old program off your computer and six months later you find a directory with a dozen files in it like some island of misfit toys that got left behind.
    So when you re-download a book it picks those old files or artwork back up then.
    Unless you changed the writings of the books themselves, as much as I like the new covers this is not a huge inconvenience and can be lived with. Amazon for all it’s convenience does have it’s quirks and annoyances.


    • Rob

      The text of the books did not change at all.

      I lost contact with the cover designer who did the original Primogenitor covers. As I have not completed the series yet, I wanted to re-cover all the titles so that the covers of new titles in the series matched those of the previous titles.


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