For the thirtieth day of the Q4 Challenge, I’d love to tell you that I outright crushed the word count. I could totally tell you that, too. Even mock up a screenshot to “show” it.
But it would be a lie, and that’s not me.
I had a car appointment that day for the Taurus, and I never really got my head back in writing after that. The only writing I did the whole day occurred while I was waiting on the Service Department to finish with the car, and after I wrote them, I let myself get sidetracked with a publishing project.
(Spoiler Alert: I’m moving into hardcover editions!!!)
Daily Word Count: 1,043
Weekly Word Count: 7,878
Remaining Words to 25,000: 17,122
Will hardcover editions be only for upcoming books or will you be going back and issuing hardcovers for your older works?
Hi, Mark,
I already have sent my cover guy templates for hardcover printed by Amazon. I also use IngramSpark (Ingram’s Print-On-Demand service) to reach libraries and brick-and-mortar bookstores and am working my way through obtaining templates for them as well.
So, the short answer is that I will have a hardcover edition for every story that is currently in print… hopefully by the end of the year.
Hope the days treat you and yours well. Be safe out there.