I think the news I’m sharing tonight (or maybe this morning) is probably the best news I’ve had to share in a quite a while.
The first draft of The Fall of Skullkeep is finished.
Yep… you read that right, folks.
At 11:33pm on 27 March 2023, I finished the composition stage. Over the next couple days, I’m going to do a final read-through, looking for any low-hanging fruit (like ‘teh’ instead of ‘the’) before I send it to my amazing editor.
For any of you who might like to keep track, The Fall of Skullkeep is my twelfth written novel, but it will be my eleventh published novel. I don’t have a release date for it quite yet, but I’ll announce that once I do.
I have to say it feels really good to have finished it tonight.
My next major project will probably be Tempus, Primogenitor Saga #4.
But before that, there’s a certain young lady (all of about eight, I believe) who asked me to help her write a story a while back (as in last summer). It’s now time to write that novella. I’m thinking it will be around twenty to twenty-five thousand words.
I hope the days treat you and yours well.
Be safe out there.