Day 1: 2 August 2021
I feel deja vu, all over again. 😝
Today was a good start to the refreshed challenge. Life did try to get in the way a little bit, but I made excellent progress overall.
It feels good to be writing again. It also feels good to have fun writing again.
I’m trying to keep a halfway-regular sleep schedule that gives me most of the day hours in case I need to interact with the rest of world. And I’m here to tell you, forcing yourself to wake up so you can…say, drive a family member to a doctor appointment…less than five hours after you went to bed is no joke. I don’t begrudge waking up to do the driving, but it is certainly less than enjoyable. Hence my intentions of keeping a mostly ‘normal’ day/night schedule.
Daily Word Count: 4,667
Monthly Word Count: 4,667
Total Words in 2021: 192,649