4 July 2024

1:19am Contrary to what you might think given the time, I am just now starting my day. I seem to write best from midnight to 8am, and this schedule also allows me to interface with the ‘normal’ world when needed. So… what’s the craziest thing...

17 December 2023

Well, 2023 is almost a wrap. In some ways, it feels so weird to write–or think–that. It seems to have passed incredibly quickly. But here of late… most of the years have felt like that, I suppose. It’s been a while since I posted an update, and...

21 July 2023

Morning, one and all. It’s 5:40am as I type this, and I’m about halfway through the transition from being mostly nocturnal to being a daywalker. I think I’ve mentioned in the past that my sleep schedule tends to “walk” through the entire...

The Best Laid Plans

If this month had gone according to the plan I laid out for it back in March or April, I would be writing this from a hotel room in Grand Junction, Colorado, on my way to an in-person Fantasy Thriller workshop in Las Vegas. But to paraphrase a saying I’ve heard...

Well, this was unexpected…

The evening of July 4th, we had a lovely thunderstorm. In addition to the extra water in the stream in front of the house, though, Mother Nature was kind enough to provide a power outage, too. No big deal, though… we have a generator. It’s a pull-start at...