1 March 2024

9:44pm I’m winding down as I type this. It will probably be the last major task I complete today. My sleep has been a little screwed up the past couple days, and I think that might be why I’m yawning quite a bit. It’s been a productive day, though. I...

27 February 2024

7:27pm Well, this day didn’t go quite according to plan. The original plan for the day involved driving to Clarksburg, but just as I was getting ready, the phone rung. Come to find out, the appointment in Clarksburg was cancelled. Which means that the whole...

23 February 2024

8:58pm Finally finished Chapter 22 of Tempus. It took me a little over a thousand words to get to feel complete. I’ll dig into Chapter 23 tomorrow. I had to do some driving around today, or I would’ve gotten an earlier start on the writing and might have...

22 February 2024

9:59pm I have not been as productive the past two days as I would like… at least in terms of writing. Yesterday (Wednesday the 21st), I drove Dad to a doctor appointment. I wrote 935 words Chapter 22 of Tempus while I waited for him. Today (Thursday the 22nd), I...

20 February 2024

8:03pm It’s a good thing I decided to update my 2024 Writing Goal to a “best effort” setting. Leaving aside how fatigued with writing I was after I finished Hyperion last month, I lost yesterday to the First Day of Driving. I racked up something like...