20 February 2024

8:03pm It’s a good thing I decided to update my 2024 Writing Goal to a “best effort” setting. Leaving aside how fatigued with writing I was after I finished Hyperion last month, I lost yesterday to the First Day of Driving. I racked up something like...

18 February 2024

8:35pm Hello, and good evening! Well, it’s evening here in West Virginia as I write this. I can’t guarantee it’s evening where you are.  🙂 It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update here, and that’s mainly because I didn’t...

1 February 2023

12:16pm Hi! It’s been a while. When I finished Hyperion back on January 6th, I was all jazzed to keep right on writing… and I managed that for a couple days. Then, I started missing days. And eventually, I realized that I just wasn’t eager to write....

20 January 2024

The last several days have been interesting. I survived Publishing Hell, even though I made a few mistakes along the way, and I get to do it all again as soon as I work up the back cover copy for Hyperion. My Go-To Reader, the amazing Teralyn, says it’s even...

13 January 2013

4:41pm I need to duck on on a mini supply run before nasty weather hits, but I wanted to explain the date change on the pre-order for Dawn of the Sorcerer while it was on my mind. I originally planned for it to go live on Knightsfall Press the day I published it (so,...