1 January 2024

Welcome to 2024! So, I’m off to a decent start on my writing goal. I say ‘decent’ and not ‘great,’ because I wrote today but did not write 1,500 words. Like I put in my last post, the intent is to build a consistent, daily writing habit,...

31 December 2023

The end is nigh! At least the end of 2023, anyway… I’m starting this post at 9:25pm, which means less than three hours remain in the year. Part of me wants to ask where the year went, but while I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted this year, I...

29 December 2023

Greetings and salutations! The year is fading fast. As I’m writing this we’re almost down to having only 48 hours left in 2023. This time of year seems to draw out thoughts of traditions, so I might as well inflict one of mine upon you. Ramon’s...

25 December 2023

Christmas Day. If you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas. As always, I hope the day has treated you and yours well. I had a helluva time getting started when I woke up, and when I finally did, I didn’t feel like writing on Colfyr. I didn’t feel like...

24 December 2023

It’s Christmas Eve, here in the United States… and other localities that celebrate Christmas. Although, given the wonders (or maybe wondrous frustrations) of time zones, it is already Christmas Day in places. I am largely indifferent when it comes to...