29 July 2023

I’m only 855 words into my writing day as I start this at 8:01am. Apologize (featuring OneRepublic) from Timbaland’s album Shock Value just cycled up in the playlist. My good friend (who also happens to be a writer), Erin Wright, introduced me to Jared...

28 July 2023

I’m pleased to say that the writing is going well this morning. Such a marked difference from yesterday. I think I was correct in my hypothesis that not going straight to my computer when I woke up yesterday was the root cause of my lack of motivation. Before I...

27 July 2023

I’ve never made any secret of the fact that I want to create/build a consistent, reliable writing habit. I love writing and telling my stories. And I’ve done really well, the previous six days. Here, see for yourself: Except today, when I woke up, I...

23 July 2023

Good morning? I’m writing this at 1:22am, the morning of Sunday the 23rd. I always struggle with the salutation for this time of the day. ‘Good night’ seems more like a goodbye, even though it is most assuredly night outside. ‘Good...

21 July 2023

Morning, one and all. It’s 5:40am as I type this, and I’m about halfway through the transition from being mostly nocturnal to being a daywalker. I think I’ve mentioned in the past that my sleep schedule tends to “walk” through the entire...

15 July 2023 – The Evening

I just finished re-watching The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo. I’m honestly not sure how many times I’ve seen it, and it’s one of my favorite movies… for the final thirty minutes. It is–hands down–one of the...