
Hello! Thanks for visiting. Here, you’ll find all kinds of randomness from me, Rob Kerns, the human behind Author/Publisher Robert M. Kerns.

I’m going to go ahead and warn you up front. Anything you find on this site is the sole, 100%, personal opinion of me, the person. And I hope what you find here is of value or use to you.

You’re welcome to visit any time you like; after all, you never know what you might find.  😉

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Banner Credit: Artwork for The Shepherd by Suzie O’Connell


17 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 33

Thursday was another underwhelming day of writing. The Escape I inherited from my mom had its own car appointment yesterday, and I figured it would be easy to duplicate the thousand words from Monday and set myself up for a good word count. Yeah... not so much. Again,...

14 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 30

Hi! For the thirtieth day of the Q4 Challenge, I'd love to tell you that I outright crushed the word count. I could totally tell you that, too. Even mock up a screenshot to "show" it. But it would be a lie, and that's not me. I had a car appointment that day for the...

13 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 29

Greetings and salutations! It seems like it's been forever since I posted an update here (tongue very firmly in cheek). I just finished up writing for the day, and I have to say I'm pleased with my production. And before I get to the section where I upload a screen...

12 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 28

At some point--either during Friday afternoon or the dead-tired drive back--I realized my mistake in trying to put words down on The Shepherd after Skullkeep lit a fire in me. So, when I woke up Saturday morning (November 12th), I started (and almost finished) Chapter...

11 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 27

November 11th is Veterans' Day in the United States. My dad was an armorer (US Army) in Vietnam. I shared an office for two-and-a-half years with someone who was former 82nd Airborne during the Gulf War. A professor at the college where I used to work IT is a veteran...

10 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 26

In the previous post, I discussed how my writing method has evolved since I started publishing my stories. I also disclosed that it was on that day (or maybe the day before) that the second half of The Fall of Skullkeep finally "clicked" in my mind. November 10th...

9 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 25

Starting on November 9th, I have not missed a day. I also haven't come close to the my daily target for November, either. I want to say it was on the ninth--or possibly the day before--that the final half of The Fall of Skullkeep clicked into place. Don't worry; I...

8 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 24

Ah... Election Day! I do not consider myself political. Which is why you'll never see anything politics-related in any of my posts. But I do indeed vote. I like to say that the government can screw up just as well without me as it can with me, and I don't feel I have...

7 November 2022 — Q4 Challenge: Day 23

Monday, November 7th, was a very good day for writing. I can't remember now what happened that day beyond what my writing log shows, and as you'll see below, it only shows dates, times, chapters, and word counts.Daily Word Count: 6,199Weekly Word Count: 6,199Remaining...

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