19 April 2024

7:04pm Just a quick post to announce that audio for both The Shepherd & Hyperion are live on Knightsfall Press. They are also wending their way through the various processing queues at Audible, Kobo, and Findaway Voices (which is the distributor I use to reach...

20 January 2024

The last several days have been interesting. I survived Publishing Hell, even though I made a few mistakes along the way, and I get to do it all again as soon as I work up the back cover copy for Hyperion. My Go-To Reader, the amazing Teralyn, says it’s even...

6 January 2024

10:54am I should not be awake yet. After writing up to 11:59pm last night and taking some time to tidy up my Writing Log and add to the post I wrote before starting my writing yesterday, I resumed writing. According to my Writing Log, I wrote for one hour and three...

5 January 2024

Server Day! I think I may have mentioned in an earlier post this week that I had some long-overdue server tasks I wanted to clear the following day. The original day I planned for it was Wednesday the 3rd. Yeah… well… Life had other plans. I’m typing...

31 December 2023

The end is nigh! At least the end of 2023, anyway… I’m starting this post at 9:25pm, which means less than three hours remain in the year. Part of me wants to ask where the year went, but while I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted this year, I...