27 July 2023

I’ve never made any secret of the fact that I want to create/build a consistent, reliable writing habit. I love writing and telling my stories. And I’ve done really well, the previous six days. Here, see for yourself: Except today, when I woke up, I...

23 July 2023

Good morning? I’m writing this at 1:22am, the morning of Sunday the 23rd. I always struggle with the salutation for this time of the day. ‘Good night’ seems more like a goodbye, even though it is most assuredly night outside. ‘Good...

21 July 2023

Morning, one and all. It’s 5:40am as I type this, and I’m about halfway through the transition from being mostly nocturnal to being a daywalker. I think I’ve mentioned in the past that my sleep schedule tends to “walk” through the entire...

Six-fingered typing…

…isn’t so bad. I do feel like I’m kinda stumbling along, especially when I go looking for the [Shift] key on a combo I would’ve done with just my left hand last week. But one the whole, it’s not so bad. I am no orthopedist, but I feel...

Well, this was unexpected…

The evening of July 4th, we had a lovely thunderstorm. In addition to the extra water in the stream in front of the house, though, Mother Nature was kind enough to provide a power outage, too. No big deal, though… we have a generator. It’s a pull-start at...