20 July 2022

I have never made any secret of the fact that I generally love where I live. By and large. For the most part. Every place has its benefits and shortfalls, and my place is no exception. Benefit: I am surrounded by trees and hills. My nearest neighbor is a solid three-...

My First Author Interview

Once upon a time… I mentioned that I did my first author interview with Audiobook Guild, the company that licensed the audio rights to my Primogenitor Saga. I don’t remember exactly when I mentioned this, but I’m sure I also promised to provide links...

13 July 2022

It has been a good day. I paid my first bill with Starlink. That felt good. Canceling my previous internet provider felt even better. But the best part of my day happened between 8:45pm and 10:31pm. I wrote 1,812 words on a new project. I’m not sure when...

9 July 2022

Well… Today was the best day I’ve had yet. It’s been a bit of a rainy day, which I tend to love. I prefer window-rattling storms, but the ground is so saturated that we’d probably have a flash flood if we had a storm like that. The past couple...

8 July 2022

The day is still young, but I thought I’d go ahead and put something up here. I may circle back and update it later… or… I may not. I guess it really depends on whether something in the quiet recesses of my mind decides that I need to circle back and...

7 July 2022

One of my goal in the second half of this year is to do a better job of posting to my site. We’re seven days into July, and I think this is the first post since I announced that I lost Mom. Best laid plans… right? Well, I have a couple projects coming up...