
Hello! Thanks for visiting. Here, you’ll find all kinds of randomness from me, Rob Kerns, the human behind Author/Publisher Robert M. Kerns.

I’m going to go ahead and warn you up front. Anything you find on this site is the sole, 100%, personal opinion of me, the person. And I hope what you find here is of value or use to you.

You’re welcome to visit any time you like; after all, you never know what you might find.  😉

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Banner Credit: Artwork for It Ain’t Over… by Jakub Skop


28 June 2024

5:24am Yeah... that time is correct. I've been struggling with my sleep schedule lately, and I'm fighting my way through getting back to a semi-decent day/night schedule. I'd love to wake up somewhen around 11pm to 1am, as I feel that puts me in a perfect window of...

19 June 2024

One of my best friends sent me a link to a TikTok video while I was driving yesterday. When I finally got around to watching it, I wanted to disbelieve that anyone at Microsoft could be so damn stupid... but then, I remembered Windows ME and Windows Vista. So, par for...

16 May 2024

9:10am If you're looking back and forth between the time I wrote above and your watch or device's clock... don't strain your neck too much. I simply scheduled this post to "publish" at noon, instead of immediately. Why? Well, I'm also sending out a newsletter today...

4 May 2024

5:31am So, it's been a little while since I wrote one of these. I am--at the moment--1,984 words into my writing day. I don't know if I'll end up writing more, or if that will be my word count for the day. But! Those words all went toward completing Tempus. I'm...

19 April 2024

7:04pm Just a quick post to announce that audio for both The Shepherd & Hyperion are live on Knightsfall Press. They are also wending their way through the various processing queues at Audible, Kobo, and Findaway Voices (which is the distributor I use to reach...

17 April 2024

I just returned from a trip out to Idaho... and yes... I made my previous post from a hotel room as I drove out there. I went to Idaho for two reasons: (A) to see Shoshone Falls during the Spring thaw and (2) help my writer friend with a couple projects. I was...

5 April 2024

The past few weeks have been kinda crazy for me. And honestly, as I sit here typing this, I'm having a bit of difficulty picking out a few items to show you just how crazy it's been. Huh... I wonder if that's a symptom of the crazy. But I digress! I have been making...

1 April 2024

11:45pm The post time on this will most likely say April 2nd, even though I'm starting it on April 1st. Does that matter in the grand scheme of things? No. Not one bit, but I thought I'd mention it just the same. Tempus is coming along very nicely. It kinda sat...

25 March 2024

7:49pm A friend who uses my server contacted me to say that his site was down a few minutes ago. I didn't see how that could be and privately thought there was some user maintenance going on. However, when I checked my site (this site) to prove him wrong... well... I...

2 March 2024

5:09pm I feel jazzed about what I've accomplished so far today. I booted up my gaming machine for the first time in who knows how long, and while I did see Steam updating in the background, I didn't care. Matter of fact, I think I even ignored a notification that the...

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