Hello! Thanks for visiting. Here, you’ll find all kinds of randomness from me, Rob Kerns, the human behind Author/Publisher Robert M. Kerns.
I’m going to go ahead and warn you up front. Anything you find on this site is the sole, 100%, personal opinion of me, the person. And I hope what you find here is of value or use to you.
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7 January 2024
7:12pm I have already finished my writing for the day. Yeah... I know. I'm kinda surprised, too. I'm not used to saying or writing that, let alone so early in the "day." After the massive word counts and writing time of the past two days, I decided that the plan for...
6 January 2024
10:54am I should not be awake yet. After writing up to 11:59pm last night and taking some time to tidy up my Writing Log and add to the post I wrote before starting my writing yesterday, I resumed writing. According to my Writing Log, I wrote for one hour and three...
5 January 2024
Server Day! I think I may have mentioned in an earlier post this week that I had some long-overdue server tasks I wanted to clear the following day. The original day I planned for it was Wednesday the 3rd. Yeah... well... Life had other plans. I'm typing this at...
1 January 2024
Welcome to 2024! So, I'm off to a decent start on my writing goal. I say 'decent' and not 'great,' because I wrote today but did not write 1,500 words. Like I put in my last post, the intent is to build a consistent, daily writing habit, so that fact that I wrote is...
31 December 2023
The end is nigh! At least the end of 2023, anyway... I'm starting this post at 9:25pm, which means less than three hours remain in the year. Part of me wants to ask where the year went, but while I didn't accomplish everything I wanted this year, I still accomplished...
29 December 2023
Greetings and salutations! The year is fading fast. As I'm writing this we're almost down to having only 48 hours left in 2023. This time of year seems to draw out thoughts of traditions, so I might as well inflict one of mine upon you. Ramon's Brownie Calendar was my...
25 December 2023
Christmas Day. If you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas. As always, I hope the day has treated you and yours well. I had a helluva time getting started when I woke up, and when I finally did, I didn't feel like writing on Colfyr. I didn't feel like writing on any...
24 December 2023
It's Christmas Eve, here in the United States... and other localities that celebrate Christmas. Although, given the wonders (or maybe wondrous frustrations) of time zones, it is already Christmas Day in places. I am largely indifferent when it comes to holidays. They...
23 December 2023 Part Deux
So, I'm not going to hit 10,000 words today. I finished Chapter 21 of Colfyr, and I feel 'done,' at least in terms of writing. I probably woudl've left it at that, but I remembered some emails I'd received lately regarding one, specific project. I'm not sure if I've...
23 December 2023
I decided to take a break from my fiction to provide a general update on my writing and announce a new series. As some of you may know, I am what I call a burst writer. Some people call this a 'sprint writer,' but I don't like that. To me, the term is too easily...
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