5 April 2024

The past few weeks have been kinda crazy for me. And honestly, as I sit here typing this, I’m having a bit of difficulty picking out a few items to show you just how crazy it’s been. Huh… I wonder if that’s a symptom of the crazy. But I...

1 April 2024

11:45pm The post time on this will most likely say April 2nd, even though I’m starting it on April 1st. Does that matter in the grand scheme of things? No. Not one bit, but I thought I’d mention it just the same. Tempus is coming along very nicely. It...

25 March 2024

7:49pm A friend who uses my server contacted me to say that his site was down a few minutes ago. I didn’t see how that could be and privately thought there was some user maintenance going on. However, when I checked my site (this site) to prove him wrong…...

2 March 2024

5:09pm I feel jazzed about what I’ve accomplished so far today. I booted up my gaming machine for the first time in who knows how long, and while I did see Steam updating in the background, I didn’t care. Matter of fact, I think I even ignored a...

1 March 2024

9:44pm I’m winding down as I type this. It will probably be the last major task I complete today. My sleep has been a little screwed up the past couple days, and I think that might be why I’m yawning quite a bit. It’s been a productive day, though. I...

27 February 2024

7:27pm Well, this day didn’t go quite according to plan. The original plan for the day involved driving to Clarksburg, but just as I was getting ready, the phone rung. Come to find out, the appointment in Clarksburg was cancelled. Which means that the whole...

23 February 2024

8:58pm Finally finished Chapter 22 of Tempus. It took me a little over a thousand words to get to feel complete. I’ll dig into Chapter 23 tomorrow. I had to do some driving around today, or I would’ve gotten an earlier start on the writing and might have...

22 February 2024

9:59pm I have not been as productive the past two days as I would like… at least in terms of writing. Yesterday (Wednesday the 21st), I drove Dad to a doctor appointment. I wrote 935 words Chapter 22 of Tempus while I waited for him. Today (Thursday the 22nd), I...

20 February 2024

8:03pm It’s a good thing I decided to update my 2024 Writing Goal to a “best effort” setting. Leaving aside how fatigued with writing I was after I finished Hyperion last month, I lost yesterday to the First Day of Driving. I racked up something like...

18 February 2024

8:35pm Hello, and good evening! Well, it’s evening here in West Virginia as I write this. I can’t guarantee it’s evening where you are.  🙂 It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update here, and that’s mainly because I didn’t...