21 July 2022

Today was a bit of a slight challenge. I think pushing to replicate 7,862-word days right out of the gate–when I haven’t been writing all that much–may not be the best idea. So I’m going to train up to it. Overall, it was a good day. I wrote...

20 July 2022

I have never made any secret of the fact that I generally love where I live. By and large. For the most part. Every place has its benefits and shortfalls, and my place is no exception. Benefit: I am surrounded by trees and hills. My nearest neighbor is a solid three-...

19 July 2022

Goals and challenges… I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have struggled to write the first six months of this year. And I honestly doubt anyone who has followed my posts lately fails to understand why. But writing is important to me. No… not just...

18 July 2022

Another good day… I feel like I accomplished a lot Monday, as I started writing this at 12:40am on Tuesday. I wrote 3,704 words, but more than that, three friends (who are also neighbors and two of them family) helped me put the mounting post for Starlink in...

14 July 2022

Today has been a good day, andI’d have to say it was a productive as well. I suppose it’s possible that it was such a good day precisely because it was productive. I suppose one could also make the counter-arguement that it was a productive day because it...

13 July 2022

It has been a good day. I paid my first bill with Starlink. That felt good. Canceling my previous internet provider felt even better. But the best part of my day happened between 8:45pm and 10:31pm. I wrote 1,812 words on a new project. I’m not sure when...