2022 Writing Challenge: Day 2

Hi, and welcome to Day Two of my 2022 Writing Challenge. It’s been an interesting day for me. I want to say productive, and I suppose it has been in a certain sense. I finished processing all the pre-existing content for The Fall of Skullkeep, so everything from...

2022 Writing Challenge: Day 1

So, the Writing Log event calendar is… not working out like I hoped. I don’t know if I missed something in its configuration and setup, or if the structure and design of my site is simply incompatible with how it’s intended to be used. I suppose it...

New Year’s Update (2022)

Hello, and welcome to the new year, everyone! If you’re reading this, congratulations on making it to 2022. I probably should wait to type this up until my newsletter goes out on January 3rd, but I think I’ll be a little bit of a Bad Rob, this time. So,...

Consular Times – A Writing Update

At 11:52pm on 22 September 2021, I finished Consular Times, Book 3 of the Primogenitor Saga. I’ve done a quick proof of sections, and my editor still has the second half (minus the final five chapters). What this means is that the story is solid, but there are...

16 September 2021: A Writing Update

Hello and good evening, Well…it’s evening here as I write this. I realized when I hopped over here to make the post about “Skullkeep” that I hadn’t posted a writing update lately. Not that I actually think anyone is reading this, but one...

The Fall of Skullkeep

Here’s a message going out to my newsletter and via my publishing company’s site today. It involves the next volume of the Histories of Drakmoor, The Fall of Skullkeep. ———- Hello and good day to you, This is one of the “special...