13 October 2022

I think we can all agree it’s been a while since I posted here. The short of it is that I was not expecting the transition from September to October to hit me like it did. Mom was born in October (as was her dad), and we were ten days into the month before I...

2022 Writing Challenge: Day 10

Howdy. I hope the day has treated you well. As I’m sitting here typing this update, I’m putting almost as much effort into staying awake as I am typing, so it will probably be short and to the point. I can’t ever remember a time I felt...

2022 Writing Challenge: Day 7

Good evening, folks! Well… it’s probably closer to night now. Goodness knows, I’m tired and fuzzy-headed enough that it’s probably night. As soon as I post this update, I am crashing into bed. But! I have had a very good day. I woke up from an...

2022 Writing Challenge: Day 6

Today was my best writing day in a while. Once again, there were huge gaps of time that I didn’t write, but I’m making progress toward my goal of consistently writing four hours per day. And it may be that this is the kind of thing a person has to build up...

2022 Writing Challenge: Day 5

Hello! I’m writing this update a day late, because we had a teensy bit of snow that made internet access problematic last night. I think the road crew had been through at least once already before I went to bed, and there’s a chance they went through again...

2022 Writing Challenge: Day 2

Hi, and welcome to Day Two of my 2022 Writing Challenge. It’s been an interesting day for me. I want to say productive, and I suppose it has been in a certain sense. I finished processing all the pre-existing content for The Fall of Skullkeep, so everything from...